28 weeks +


  • Pack your hospital bag
  • Think about your birthing plan and options to suit you and your family
  • Get your Maternity Certificate (Mat B1 form) from midwife at 28 weeks

Appointments, tests and scans

Within the third trimester of your pregnancy (28 weeks onwards) you will normally have seven appointments if this is your first baby or if you require closer observation. If this is not your first baby and you do not require closer observation you will normally have five appointments.

  • 28 weeks – Routine antenatal check and blood test – MAT B1 given. Anti-D given if required

  • 28-34 weeks – Health visitor visit

  • 31 weeks – Routine antenatal check for first time parents and anyone needing closer observation

  • 34 weeks – Routine antenatal check

  • 36 weeks – Routine antenatal check – birth plan should be completed by now

  • 38 weeks – Routine antenatal check

  • 40 weeks – Routine antenatal check for first time parents and anyone needing closer observation

  • 41 weeks – Routine antenatal and induction of labour arranged

28 week antenatal midwife appointment

At your 28 week appointment your midwife will:

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Offer more screening tests – for anaemia and antibodies

  • Offer you an anti-D treatment if you are rhesus negative

  • Consider an iron supplement if you’re anaemic

  • Reminder to consider antenatal classes/reading

  • Discuss and book your 31 week appointment

28-34 weeks – Health Visitor visit

Between 28-34 weeks you will have a visit from your health visitor. Your health visitor will contact you to arrange this. At this visit, your health visitor will talk to you about how they will support you and your baby after the birth. They will also give you your baby’s Personal Child Health Record book, often known as the red book and talk to you about this.

If you haven’t heard from your health visitor by 36 weeks please contact them to arrange a visit. You can find out who your health visiting team will be here.

31 week antenatal midwife appointment

First time parents and anyone needing closer observation will have a 31 week appointment with the midwife. At this appointment your midwife will:

  • Review, discuss and record the results of any screening tests from the last appointment

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Discuss and book your 34 week appointment

34 week antenatal midwife appointment

At this appointment your midwife will give you information about preparing for labour and birth, including how to recognise active labour, pain relief options of coping with pain in labour, and your birth plan. Your midwife will talk through all the options available to you and help you make the decisions that are right for you and your family.

At the 34 week appointment your midwife or doctor will:

  • Review, discuss and record the results of any screening tests from the last appointment

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Remind to consider antenatal classes/reading

  • Discuss and book your 36 week appointment

At this appointment your midwife is likely to give you information about caesarean section. This is because around one in four women will need a caesarean. Your midwife will explain the reasons why a caesarean might be offered, what the procedure involves, risks and benefits, and implications for future pregnancies and births. You can also find out more about having a caesarean in Dorset here.

36 week antenatal midwife appointment

At the 36 week appointment your midwife will:

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Check the position of your baby

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Offer external cephalic version (ECV) if your baby is in the breech position

  • Discuss any birth plan queries

  • Discuss signs of labour and when to seek support/help

  • Discuss and book your 38 week appointment

At this appointment your midwife will give you information about:

38 week antenatal midwife appointment

As your due date approaches, your midwife will talk to you about what happens if your pregnancy lasts longer than 41 weeks and the options and choices you will have.

At the 38 week appointment your midwife will:

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Discuss and book a 40 week appointment

40 week antenatal midwife appointment

If this is your first baby or if you have required closer observation during your pregnancy, you will have a 40 week appointment with your midwife.

Your midwife will talk to you more about what happens if your pregnancy lasts longer than 41 weeks.

At this appointment your midwife will:

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Discuss and book a 40 week appointment

41 week antenatal midwife appointment

At your 41 week appointment your midwife will:

  • Use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus

  • Measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein

  • Offer a membrane sweep to help encourage labour

  • Discuss the options and choices for induction of labour

42 week antenatal midwife appointment

If you have not had your baby by 42 weeks and have chosen not to have an induction, your midwife will offer you additional monitoring to keep an eye on the baby and a discussion may need to take place with an obstetrician in order for you to make a fully informed choice.

When will you be seen

Overview of appointments, tests and scans for women under midwife-led care:

Early pregnancy

Week What happens
8-10 weeks Booking appointment and blood tests
11-14 weeks Scans and blood tests

Mid pregnancy

Week What happens
16 weeks Follow up with midwife to check scans and blood tests and glucose tolerance test if needed
18-20 weeks Detailed scan (Anomaly)
25 weeks Routine antenatal check*

Late pregnancy

Week What happens
28 weeks Routine antenatal check and blood test – MAT B1 given

Anti-D given/organised if required

28 – 34 weeks Health Visitor visit
31 weeks Routine antenatal check*
34 weeks Routine antenatal check
36 weeks Routine antenatal check – birth plan should be completed by now
38 weeks Routine antenatal check
40 weeks Routine antenatal check*
41 weeks Routine antenatal and induction of labour arranged

*First time mums or enhanced care only

Please note: visits may be made by a midwife or a maternity support worker.

To make sure that you receive the best possible care, children will no longer be able to attend antenatal scans. If you are concerned about this, please discuss it with your midwife.