Some of your postnatal appointments will be held at home, and some will take place in hospital, in a children’s centre or elsewhere in the community. Some women and babies will need more appointments, this will be discussed with you if they are needed.

Within 24 hours of having your baby, you will usually be discharged home from hospital, unless there are medical reasons that mean you and/or your baby need to stay a bit longer. Feeding support will be ongoing and the smoking cessation team will offer you support too if you need it. There are other support agencies that we can refer you to if needed, such as the counselling team.

Your first contact after you have been discharged from hospital will be from a local midwife. This will either be a telephone contact or a home visit. We will review and update your care plan that was started during your pregnancy, as your needs may have changed. This ensures you’ll receive the most suitable care and support to keep you well, physically and emotionally, while you are adjusting to parenthood.

Day 2-4

Between days 2 and 4, the midwife or maternity support worker may visit you at home when you need it.

The midwife or maternity support worker will also discuss how you are feeling in yourself, and how you are coping with your new baby. Don’t be afraid to be honest about anything you’re finding difficult. They will discuss how well your baby is feeding and give you advice if you have any problems or concerns. Your chosen way of feeding your baby will be discussed and support given with this. Your baby may be weighed during this period.

If this was not completely by your team midwife, they may make phone contact with you too, to make sure you’re okay.

Day 5

Every baby is offered a newborn blood spot screening, also known as a heel prick test, ideally when the baby is 5 days old.

You will be visited on day 5 by a member of the team. Your baby will be weighed at this visit and, with your consent, they will complete the newborn blood spot screening test, also known as a heel prick test. The test involves taking a blood sample to find out if your baby has 1 of 9 rare but serious health conditions. Find out more at NHS UK and “screening test for you and your baby“.

Day 6-20

Between days 6-20, visits by your midwife/maternity support worker will be flexible according to your personal needs.

Day 10-14

Between days 10 and 14, your health visitor will visit you at home. They will update your personalised care plan, weigh your baby and give you information on baby immunisations.

If you are in the Dorchester area you will also have a visit at home from your local midwife. If you have yet to be seen by your health visitor we will weigh your baby, discuss any concerns you may have and signpost you to local support groups if needed. Contraceptive advice will also be offered at this visit. Your care would then be handed over to the health visitor. Your health visitor will receive a copy of your care plan from your midwife so that your planned care will continue. If we have any concerns regarding you or your baby’s health or wellbeing, or you do not feel comfortable to be discharged from maternity care, we will not discharge you at this point so you have extra support if needed.

Mums should have a postnatal check at around 6 weeks after your baby’s birth to make sure you feel well and you are recovering properly. Find out more and what to expect at NHS UK.

More about follow-up appointments for mum and baby.

Day 21-28

Between days 21 and 28, if you are in the Poole and Bournemouth area your local midwife will arrange to see you to discuss your baby’s progress and weigh them if necessary. This visit will give you time to talk through your labour and discuss anything you didn’t understand or that is still worrying you. Your midwife can signpost you to other local teams for support if needed. Contraceptive advice will also be offered at this visit.

If you are in the Dorchester area, we can see you up until your baby is 28 days old if necessary but your care would routinely be handed over to the health visitors at day 10-14. If you have already been discharged and seek our assistance again we can also return to your home and give you any additional support needed.

Your health visitor will receive a copy of your care plan from your midwife so that your planned care will continue.

Mums should have a postnatal check at around 6 weeks after your baby’s birth to make sure you feel well and you are recovering properly. Find out more and what to expect at NHS UK.

More about follow-up appointments for mum and baby.