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If you think you're in labour or have urgent concerns call: 0300 369 0388
Your pregnancy
Stages of pregnancy
Your Maternity Notes
Your Personal Care Plans
Overview of your pregnancy appointments
Early pregnancy
Late pregnancy
Useful Information
Common symptoms
Women needing closer observation
Not your first pregnancy?
Looking after yourself
Pelvic Health and Physiotherapy
Monitoring your baby
Twins and multiple births
Supporting teenage pregnancies
Work, maternity leave and money
Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU)
Continuity of Carer Teams
Antenatal classes
Hospital parking
Birth plan
Birth plan
Labour and birth
Preparing for your birth
Preparing for birth
Where to have your baby
Home Birth
What to pack
Not your first labour?
Vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC)
Giving birth to multiple babies
Emotional wellbeing
Your stay in hospital
Signs of labour
Stages of labour
Premature labour and birth
Pain relief
Types of Birth
Caesarean birth
Caring for tears and stitches
After the birth
Your newborn
First days together
The first 28 days
Caring for your baby
Feeding your baby
Your baby’s health
Neonatal Unit and Special Care Baby Unit
Registering a birth
After care for you
Birth trauma and birth afterthoughts
Postnatal care
Looking after yourself
Health visiting
Support and Useful Contacts
In your area
Helpful information
Getting pregnant
Loss and miscarriage
Birth partners
Equity and Equality
Improving pelvic health during pregnancy and beyond
Giving feedback
Midwife contacts
Health Visitor contacts
Maternity & Neonatal Voices
Family Hubs
Family Network Support Packages
Useful websites
Maternal mental health
Pregnancy FAQ
Health video library
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Wimborne Children’s Centre
Wimborne Children’s Centre
Tom Gamwell
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