Useful things to bring into hospital when you have your baby
It is a good idea to pack your bags 2-3 weeks before your baby’s due date. If you are having complications in your pregnancy, or you are having multiples, you may want to pack your bag earlier.
Having a bag for yourself and one for your baby helps you to find things more easily. It is best to use a rucksack or small case as some hospital beds have limited space around them and you could be asked to take large cases home if having your baby at Poole. You haven’t got to pack the kitchen sink, just the things you really need for a couple of days, as your family and friends can bring in and take home things as you need them.
For mums
For your baby
Also remember to plan your transport to and from hospital. If you are planning to use a taxi, check with the companies in advance as some companies will not transport labouring women.
For dads and partners
It’s a good idea to have a few things packed for yourself in advance so you are ready for the big day. Packing your bag at the same time as your partner can be fun and can help to make sure you don’t forget anything important.
Space in some areas of the Maternity Units can be limited, so it’s best to pack a small bag or rucksack for yourself. Things you might want to pack include: